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Living Angels

One year ago, I made a new friend, Ren, on my birthday at my dad’s treatment center in Germany. Ren was going through much of his own battle. We sat together & had one of the deepest, most connected conversations that I've ever had. I knew that he was someone that we were supposed to cross paths with along our journey. The following day, he arrived with a birthday card for me. I don’t think he’ll ever understand how tremendously kind & thoughtful it was. The smallest acts can hit our hearts the most.

As conversations continued, Ren expressed a deep desire to explore… something that he wasn’t able to do for so long. My dad wanted nothing more than for me to have a celebration & convinced me to sightsee. So off Ren & I went, frolicking around Frankfurt. Due to the shock, I feel like I can’t remember much other than running around museums & laughing at anything that we could, but mainly, I remember how it made me feel. I cannot express how thankful I am for this experience in the midst of it all.

The living angel in the last image is Felicity, who is stronger than she will ever know, also going through treatment. The two of you filled my heart & brought me more comfort than I can say, as we were without support, not knowing anyone. I have two amazing friends in England that will forever remain so close to my heart. I know that my dad would want me to thank you both for your continuous love & effort to stay connected.

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